Jul 3, 2021

México Black Metal Fest 2022 (3 & 4 de Diciembre en el Foro Veintiocho)

PRECARIA es la primera banda anunciada para el México Black Metal Fest segunda edición.

La fecha es el 2, 3 y 4 de Diciembre del 2022. Lugar: Foro Veintiocho, en la Ciudad de México. Nosotros tocamos el viernes 2, a las 11:40 pm.

Para dar seguimiento a las bandas que vayan confirmando sigue la cuenta de instagram del MBMF: https://www.instagram.com/p/CQhd7MzpSxi/

Precaria "Nigraluminiscencia": The Complete Painting

Front cover of Precaria - Nigraluminiscencia (painted by Ikonostasis & edited by Francesco Gemelli), and the full painting below in full resolution. 

The vinyl release included a poster of the painting. You're encouraged to print your own poster using the full-res file. Just open the PNG image in a new tab and save, or download directly from this Google Drive link.

Precaria - Nigraluminiscencia (front cover painted by Ikonostasis and edited by Francesco Gemelli)
Precaria - Nigraluminiscencia (painted by Ikonostasis, edited by Francesco Gemelli)

Precaria - Nigraluminiscencia (full painting by Ikonostasis)
Full resolution (open in new tab)

Unknown Unnamed Zine vol.1 "A Blaze in the Latin American Sky"

Russian fanzine distributed by Death Defier Productions dedicated to cover underground bands from every continent in separate volumes. After their goal is achieved, the project will stop its existence. 

Precaria was the first band interviewed. Here's 2 out of 6 pages of the interview, plus some artwork from Wolf Spider Art, table of contents, front cover and an introduction to the zine. 

Front cover

Table of contents

Introduction to the zine

Precaria interview 1st page

Precaria interview 2nd page

Wolf Spider Art